Now that I feel I have given you a bit of wisdom for the day, which I would like to do with each post, so, that way you don't feel like you are completely wasting your life by reading my blog. I will now rant a bit about life at a women's college and why it is not as ground breaking of an idea for a man as some may think.
First let me clarify...UC is a "Women's Focused College". This means that there are so few men enrolled, less than 8%, that technically it cannot be considered a co-ed institute of higher learning. Now, after explaining this to most people, primarily men, they either shake your hand or give you a pat on the back and say, "You are a genius!" Not so fast my friend! After over three years of experience on the UC campus I can safely say that the men that go here, myself included, are not geniuses! As scholastically talented as we all may be we live in what most men would probably consider a nightmare!
(Disclaimer: Baby I love you very much and if you are reading this know that I have found
one of very few diamonds in the rough! You mean the world to me!)
Sorry about that...Where was I??? Ahh...YES! A nightmare! Let me elaborate...The guys have a fantasy baseball league, there are only six in it! We also now have a fantasy football league too, with only five in it! Imagine a place where everyday you can find a woman who is PMSing! Every now and again we get together and play some basketball in the gym. Not five on five mind you, rather two and two!
This is not say that there are no perks to being one of a few men at UC! I mean when you need to take a dump you don't have to look for a private stall, just find the nearest men's room and go there, I can guarantee you that it will be all yours! On campus there is only four of us that have to share two showers and three stalls. Also, everyone knows who you are, which I guess can be a blessing and a curse. I suppose it isn't all bad. So, the moral of all this is next time a guy says I go to a women's college, give him a hug and offer to buy him a beer (only if he is of legal age,) because it is not always as glorious as you may think it is!
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