Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ricky Williams Is Still Stoned

Earlier this week Ricky Williams drafted a letter to the commissioner of football pleading for reinstatement to the league. In my Internet endeavors I found a copy of that letter.

Now if the commish needed any more proof that Williams still hits the reefer harder than Chong, other than another positive drug test, then his letter I am sure really sealed the deal. I mean he fell just short of asking the commish if he had some Cheetos that he could have for his ravishing appetite!

And if you are still not convinced that Williams is still doing drugs...Than look at this picture! I mean is all it takes is some good old fashion stereotyping to know that this guy is a pot smoker! Come on with back like Reggie Bush and LT already in the league who needs Ricky Williams?


cooper said...

He went on tour with Lenny Kravitz what the hell do you think he did.

Jinggelo said...

and to think, I originially hoped he would take the dolphins to the super bowl. shame on me

ManNurse08 said...

Lenny Kravitz...Haha!!! Shame on you for thinking that Williams would save anything other than a pot plant! Fucking stoner!