Good evening I am sitting in bed un able to sleep so, I thought I would try and blog out my insomnia. Now before I begin let me make a slight disclaimer that this blog is indeed a male perspective and is not really meant to offend anyone. Well, and lets be honest if a lil bit of testosterone in the written form offends you then you probably should not be reading this blog in the first place.
On to the point...I received a request earlier in the week to edit one of the previous quotes of the week. Now, the intent of this blog is not to get anyone in trouble, including myself, so, I didn't think twice of it and simply edited the quote and I am sure it went un-noticed by our regular readers. No sweat right? Wrong!
I have received some requests since then to blog on the reason why the quote was edited...After some consideration and not much else to talk about I have chosen to do just that! It was requested that the quote be edited as to not offend the person who said the quotes girlfriend. Let it be noted that I don't think anyone knows if she even reads this blog. So, as I didn't want anyone to be hurt I removed the quote...
To the person I removed the quote for, well I can't really say that I would not have requested the same be done if I were in your shoes, however, I think it is time that everyone stop worrying about offending people and just tell it how it is. I always liked to pride myself on the fact that I am brutally honest, people don't always like what I have to say but at least it has been said.
My illegitimate father, who has since moved away, and I used to have a family Matteo of, "Making new friends everyday." We had this Matteo because we told it how it was...This didn't make people very happy, and in return we probably had fewer friends everyday, but we had said it how it was.
So, grow some balls man! Say it how it is! If she doesn't like it, but if she loves you, she will get over it! If she doesn't get over it then it isn't meant to be. I know I have made a very complicated situation sound very simple here, and I understand that it is not that simple at all, but sleep on it, what's done is done and what's said is said. No respect lost only respect gained and at the end of the day we will all still be the Male Perspective of Ursuline College.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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i miss when the fam was together
abso freakin lutely
I completely agree honesty is the best policy and even though we dont want to hurt anyones feelings I believe that what needs to be said needs to be said. I also believe it ruins the integrity of the blog. For some reason this is a male based blog whos top responder is female (Laura we love you) but what happened to the pride we as males should be taking in this. James and Jingles are great humans and being honest is what makes them, them. So a word to all males at UC dont let the estrogen influence what you think because then you have only been conformed by vagina and thats not cool.
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